
About us

"Turn your Passion into Profession" - Make your Junior a Master!

"Loyal to the melodies of life, music has played a part of our life for so long. From the lullaby to folk songs. With so much spice and passion, I took up music as a career 15 years back," says Roshan, our Founder.

Learn Musiq is born out of Passion and Intellect. The Intelligent Quotient [shortly known as IQ] is the base for every human to function with ease. And music is known to boost the IQ by over 10%, says popular research. With kids learning music and working professionals choosing music as their passion has led to super increased productivity and learning capabilities. This transition thereby makes music the best catalyst for boosting daily routine irrespective of their professional aspects.

So on this note, to increase brain productivity while continuing your passion – Learn MusIQ was born.

Being in Music and Entertainment, our founder started as an old-school music teacher. With innate streaks of creating a vast community of students after the pandemic – he started believing the sky was the limit. With enthusiasm thriving over the bloodstream, and 25 years of experience in the music & film industry, he decided to answer everyone who looked out for "Music Classes Near Me." Yes! He chose to teach music online.

With experiences in Teaching offline and handling his business online [findtuto], the omnichannel approach worked well, and here we are! With our valuable customers reading our story!

So what are you waiting for? Get into our website and, pick up what you want to indulge yourself in the most & start making your passion a profession.


"It's almost a dream for every kid from a non-entertainment industry to make a career out of music and art. So when I started music as my passion – all I longed for was to make a mark. And as far as I am concerned, I did make a mark!" – tells our founder when asked why he stepped into music 25 years ago.

From composing music and playing musical instruments like Violin, Guitar, and Piano primarily – Roshan Sethuraman has started his career in 1996 with films and music. With significant exposure to the industry, he realized more than just music – his inner prodigy lies in teaching and making passionate kids and adults see stardom as he did. And thus, in 2007 began his teaching journey. From live classes to recorded classes to now in a platform model, Roshan explores various avenues to bring up his passion the way he stirred up in him.

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